Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)

Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)

Focus Area

  • multiple focus areasMultiple Focus Areas

Verification Method

  • 3rd Party Audited3rd Party Audited

Issued By

Textile Exchange


Multi-Stakeholder Initiative / Business Initiative

Applicable To

Textiles and materials with recycled content


International, voluntary standards that set requirements for third-party certification of recycled input and chain of custody.


  • Verifying Recycled Materials: Materials are verified to meet the ISO definition of recycled. Both pre-consumer and post-consumer material is accepted.
  • Responsable Production: GRS sites are required to meet strict social and environmental requirements. Chemicals with potential for harm are not permitted to be used on GRS products.
  • Confident Communication: Products that meet all requirements may be labelled with the RCS or GRS logo.
  • Chain of custody: Certification ensures that the identity of the recycled material is maintained: from the recycler to the final product.
  • Credible certification: A professional, third party certification body audits each stage in the supply chain.
  • Stakeholder engagement: The RCS and GRS are managed with the input of recyclers, suppliers, and brands and retailers from all parts of the globe.

RCS´s products