Organic Content Standard (OCS)

Organic Content Standard (OCS)

Focus Area

  • multiple focus areasMultiple Focus Areas

Verification Method

  • 3rd Party Audited3rd Party Audited

Issued By

Textile Exchange


Product Quality Seal / Multi-Stakeholder Initiative

Applicable To

Organic Textiles


Allows consumers to identify textile products made up of >95% organic material.


  • The OCS 100 is a voluntary standard that relies on third-party verification to confirm whether a final product contains the accurate amount of a given organically grown material.
  • Verifying Organic Content: Only material from certified organic farms (under one of IFOAM’s Family of Standards) is accepted to the OCS.
  • Confident Communication: Products that meet all requirements may be labelled with the OCS logo.
  • Chain of custody: Certification ensures that the identity of the organic content is maintained: from the farm to the final product.
  • The standard does not cover the certification of raw materials used in a product nor the use of chemicals or any social or environmental aspects of production beyond the integrity of the organic material.

OCS´s products