Did You Know Eco-Friendly Wetsuits Can Be MORE Affordable?

Did You Know Eco-Friendly Wetsuits Can Be MORE Affordable?


Hey surfers,


As you all know, surfing is a passion that connects us with nature and the ocean. And as surfers, we have a responsibility to take care of the ocean and the environment we all love so much. One way we can do that is by using eco-friendly wetsuits.

Eco-friendly wetsuits are made from sustainable materials that have a lower impact on the environment. You can find limestone-based wetsuits as well as using technologies like Yulex They also use less water and energy in the production process. Matuse is a company that is doing an amazing job in this area. They use a sustainable limestone-based neoprene in their wetsuits, which is not only better for the environment but also provides better flexibility and durability.

matuse wetsuit on the beach with waves

Why Matuse?


But it's not just about the materials, Matuse is also committed to sustainable practices throughout their whole production process. They use recycled packaging, minimize waste and CO2 emissions, and they even give back to ocean conservation programs.

I know some of you may be thinking, "But eco-friendly wetsuits can be more expensive." While that may be true, but not on this case (check the collection), think about it this way: by investing in a sustainable wetsuit, you're not only taking care of the ocean and the environment, but you're also investing in a wetsuit that will last longer and perform better.

mature wetsuit on the beach

Take this with you


So, let's all make a conscious effort to start using eco-friendly wetsuits and support companies like Matuse that are doing their part to protect the ocean and the environment. Trust me, you'll feel good about it and you'll be supporting a company that is making a real difference.


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